
Good Lessons from a Bad Dog
They want to know if you are a good dog. "Who's a good dog?" they ask, and they press the point with single-minded insistence, "Is it you? Is it?" Your people, the ones you live...
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The Nonce Word or Special Words for Special Times
A nonce word is defined as a word coined and used for a particular occasion or set of circumstances. The Steve Miller Band singing about the "pompatus of love" in that song, The Joker, is...
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Blog, Interrupted
I have started and restarted this blog post many times in the past few days, mostly because I am determined not to let this area of my writing languish. My goal has been to write...
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The Corona Diaries
  Nowhere to go and nothing to do: every day like the one before. And yet, I can’t complain, although I do so anyway with persistent, bitter pleasure, because we are healthy and employed, able...
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#PitMad: It’s A Thing
Yesterday I took part in my very first #PitMad event. As you may or may not know, PitMad is: a) A group that wants to eliminate pit bull breeding and the keeping of pit bulls...
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New Year, Same Me
Happy New Year, my friends! That exclamation point, I'll have you know, is no punctuation formality. The prospect of a new year and a new decade really does excite me, making me eager and ambitious...
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Insider Languages of Outsiders
When people find out I have twin daughters, they often ask if the girls ever had a secret language, or, as it is more formally known, cryptophasia. The answer is no, which is nearly always...
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International Translation Day
Welcome to the first entry of my new blog about language, writing, and, well, just life in general. International Translation Day seems like an auspicious starting point. As a professional translator of a shocking number...
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